Jason's Page

Saturday, October 07, 2006

living like the simpsons

and maggie loves playing with toys

living like the simpsons

marge and blue lone hair lisa and school

living like the simpsons

homer and food
bart and falling

Friday, October 06, 2006

the simpsons are back

dear my favourite
to day starting
now are
going to be lots of
coooool pic
of the simpsons and
i say lots bolggers
go simpsons (and if you
have some pic of the simpsons
and tell your name your
simpsons pic will
go on my simpsons
blog ok with your
name near it)
rock on bolggers.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


my blogger friend
my aunty lorraine
my cousin sarah
and my other cousin tanya

theys are some of blog that i like and you might like look at them they are cool..........................................................................................................

Monday, October 02, 2006

sarah tanya

this is my two cousins sarah
and tanya they live in tassie
sarah is the one with the
pink top and tanya is the one
with the white and bround

Sunday, October 01, 2006

my brother

this is my
little brother
luke aaron smith
he is doing scrap booking
up stairs.

my tooth came out

to day when i woke
on the
2 of october 2006
tooth came out.

this is my tooth.